"Gender and Islam in the French-speaking digital world"

femmes musulmane diversité

femmes musulmane diversité
Muslim Women's Digital Empowerment
RE-VISUALIZE: Gender and Islam in the French-speaking digital world" is a research project co-funded by the ERASMUS + program of the European Union and carried by a consortium associating the Saint Louis Universities in Brussels, the University of Amsterdam, the University of Montreal, Universität Halle-Wittenberg and the association PLURIVERS'ELLES Etudes et Formations.​​
This action-research will focus on a new social and digital reality that goes against the grain, and in which Instagrammers, influencers and "Hijabistas" play a leading role as they open up pathways to new styles of influence, inspiration and leadership to fight against prevailing Islamophobia mainly on social networks at the dawn of feminism
muslim 2.0.