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Instagrammers, hijabis and modest fashion
December 16, 2022
Evening debate: A digital phenomenon against the current.
A countercurrent digital phenomenon" With the screening of the short film MEDUSA by the MJ des marolles.
This evening - debate focuses on a new social and digital reality, and in which instagrammers, influencers and Hijabis play a leading role as they open up paths towards new styles of influence, inspiration and leadership in order to to fight against prevailing Islamophobia mainly on social networks.
How are these new actors of social networks negotiating the construction of a “feminine / pious feminist” subjectivity in interaction and at the intersection of their religiosity, their identity, race and ... the digital world ? Are they not questioning the field of global digital culture on the one hand and Islamic authority on the other?
PTo discuss it, Plurivers'elles invites you to contribute to the reflection during this evening debate with the exclusive presence ofNOTAdiya Lazzouni and Prof. Dimitri ALMEIDA. We will share a situated and innovative reading grid of the main issues relating to the emergence of this SUBVERSIVE & CREATIVE digital presence!